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New Career Series Offers Help for Anyone Beginning or Changing a Career

News Release
September 8, 2022

TRAVERSE CITY, MI— Anyone who is looking to begin or change a career but doesn’t know where to start can find help through a new Career Series presented by Northwest Michigan Works! and Northwestern Michigan College Extended Education. The Career Series will include one class per week on Tuesday evenings from September 13 through October 11. All classes will run from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Northwest Michigan Works!, 1209 S. Garfield Ave in Traverse City. The classes are free and participants can sign up for any or all of them.

The first class, on September 13, will be Find Your Skills & Strengths. It will provide online and written tools for self-assessment and discovery. Participants will also explore occupations and education that leads to different careers.

The dates and topics for the other classes will be:

·         September 20, Career Exploration, Design Your Life, and Informational Interviewing

·         September 27, How to Search for Jobs

·         October 4, Resume & Cover Letter Assistance 

·         October 11, Meet & Greet Northwest Michigan Works! staff and NMC educational staff.

Register online for any or all of the classes at (type Career in the search box) or call 231.995.1700.

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- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager