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Providing housing choices to all residents in the region continues to be a priority for much of Networks Northwest’s service area. Networks Northwest’s Community Development Department works with local partners, both in the private and public sectors, to ensure that the region’s workforce has access to safe, economical, and desirable housing. Some of our activities include communication and outreach; technical assistance and resources to assist communities in updating policies that affect affordable housing; and best practices research and analysis for communities.


HOUSING NORTH is a non-profit agency established in 2018 to build awareness, influence policy, and expand capacity so communities in Northwest Michigan can create housing solutions that meet their unique needs.


Research and Analysis

Seasonal Population Study for Northwest Lower Michigan

The Seasonal Population Study for Northwest Lower Michigan provides population data categorized by full-time residents, part-time residents and overnight visitors. Critically important for understanding the region's tourism industry and its relationship to housing, this document provides detailed information for each of the ten Networks Northwest counties. 

Seasonal Population Study for Northwest Lower Michigan
The Housing Picture In Northwest Michigan

The Housing Picture in Northwest Michigan (2021) is a document borne of the collaborative process of stakeholders involved with the Housing Solutions Network with direct input provided by Housing North. The document outlines the current trends in the availability of housing, its impacts on the housing market, and proposes strategies to be undertaken to tackle housing issues within our Northwest Lower Michigan communities.

Target Market Analysis

The Northwest Michigan Target Market Analysis, conducted in 2019 by market analyst LandUse USA and coordinated by Networks Northwest and Housing North, shows the potential demand for new units in each county, city, and village in Northwest Lower Michigan through 2025.  The County Target Market Analyses and a number of other resources, including the County Housing Inventories, are available here.

Outreach and EVENTS

Housing Solutions Network

Networks Northwest convenes the Housing Solutions Network, which works with housing stakeholders and communities to raise awareness of housing issues and programs. Activities include the development of resources for both the public and community leaders. More information about the Network is available here.

Technical Assistance and Resources

Networks Northwest provides assistance in developing policy-based solutions to local housing issues.


A Framework for Housing Choices in Northwest Michigan

A FRAMEWORK FOR HOUSING CHOICES IN NORTHWEST MICHIGANhe Housing Framework includes information that can serve as a compilation of best practices to help local decision-makers and stakeholders who would like to address the issues identified in the Framework to meet their communities’ diverse housing needs.  

A Framework for Housing in Northwest Michigan (PDF)

The professionals at Networks Northwest help our City Council, Planning Commission, and staff make thoughtful decisions to ensure our community is sustainable and resilient for many years to come.
- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager