Transportation decisions are made at the local, State, and national levels. Networks Northwest Regional Planning & Community Development Department works on behalf of its many local partners to assist with efforts around improving every mode of transportation in the region. We believe that the better the public understands the transportation decision-making process, the more certain it is that the transportation system will be safe and efficient, and that the planning process will be responsive to public needs and concerns about their communities and the natural environment.
MDOT North region active TRANSPORTATION plan
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), in collaboration with the two north regional planning agencies (RPAs), the Northeast Michigan Council of Governments (NEMCOG), and Networks Northwest (NN) is working together collaboratively to develop a North Region Active Transportation Plan and Investment Strategy.
North Region Active Transportation Plan Updates
A Framework for Transportation in Northwest Michigan
A compilation of best practices to help local decisionmakers and stakeholders who would like to address the issues identified in the Framework to meet their communities’ transportation needs.
A Framework for Transportation in Northwest Michigan (PDF)
Rural Task Forces
The Rural Task Force Program provides federal dollars to rural counties with a population under 400,000. These dollars must be spent in their geographic areas and both road and transit capital projects are eligible. In partnership with MDOT, Networks Northwest provides staffing to the three rural task forces in northwest lower Michigan.
Rural Task Force Program Information and Notices
Asset Management
Networks Northwest’s Regional Planning Department works with MDOT and individual county road commissions towards the implementation of asset management statewide to enhance the productivity of investing in Michigan’s roads and bridges through coordination and collaboration among state and local transportation agencies.
Asset Management Regional Reports
Heritage Routes
The M-22 Byway Committee works to protect the natural and rural landscape with its many scenic vistas and open spaces such as the Lake Michigan shoreline, orchards, vineyards, farm fields, rolling hills, valleys, forests, and inland lakes, rivers, streams; and the historic, cultural, and recreational attributes. The Committee members include representatives from the Tribal Governments, National Park Service, the counties of Manistee, Benzie and Leelanau, townships, city, and villages on the Byway, non-governmental organizations and agencies, and interested citizens.
M-22 Pure Michigan Byway Website
M-119 Tunnel of Trees Heritage Route: Networks Northwest’s Regional Planning Department provides support to the Heritage Route Committe to fulfill the goals and objectives as stated in the M-119 Tunnel of Trees Scenic Heritage Route Management Plan. The committee implements projects that enhance the scenic beauty, promotes road safety, education, and preservation projects of the corridor. The committee is made up of appointed community members from West Traverse, Readmond, Friendship, and Cross Village Townships. Click here for the Heritage Route Committee meeting schedule.
M-119 Tunnel of Trees Scenic Heritage Route Website
M-37 Old Mission Peninsula Heritage Route: Networks Northwest’s Regional Planning Department works with communities with the community along the M-37 corridor in Peninsula Township to implement enhancement, road safety, education, and preservation projects that fulfill the goals and objectives as stated in the Old Mission Scenic Heritage Route Plan.
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Liaison
Networks Northwest Regional Planning staff communicates with MDOT, and coordinates and facilitate projects and provide data and technical assistance to local communities through a distinct Annual Transportation Work Plan established with MDOT. Special projects may include corridor studies, access management studies, HPMS Program (traffic counts), grant writing, program guidance, and other technical assistance.
Traverse Transportation Coordinating Initiative (TTCI)
Visit for more information on regional transportation planning in the Traverse City area.
Smart Growth America Mobility Management
View the Implementation Report (DRAFT)
Non-motorized transportation
Visit our Regional Non-Motorized Strategy page or our Recreation Page for info and resoures on non-motorized transportation in Northwest Michigan.
Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager