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Healthy Communities

Recognizing that local policies and initiatives play a major role in individual and community health is an important first step in improving our health outcomes.

A Framework for Healthy Communities in Northwest Michigan

A Framework for Healthy Communities in Northwest MichiganA Framework for Healthy Communities in Northwest Michigan reviews current health findings, public input, and other data to assess health needs in the region, and identifies ways that local governments and other stakeholders can work to address community health issues. The Healthy Communities Framework was developed as part of the Framework for Our Future: A Regional Prosperity Plan for Northwest Michigan.

A Framework for Healthy Communities in Northwest Michigan (PDF)


Making Child Care a Regional Priority: How Improving Access to High-quality, Affordable Child Care Can Attract and Retain Talent in Prosperity Region 2

Children sitting on floor in front of adult reading them a book This report details the current state of care (including needs and challenges for families and child care providers), describes a potential vision for the region and identifies specific, actionable recommendations to improve child care for both the regional community and Lansing. Funding for this effort came from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) supporting the economic development efforts of the Northwest Lower Michigan Collaborative Development Council.

Making Child Care a Regional Priority: How Improving Access to High-quality, Affordable Child Care Can Attract and Retain Talent in Prosperity (PDF)


Making Connections: Understanding Community Health, Safety, & Welfare in Northwest Michigan

MAKING CONNECTIONS: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNITY HEALTH, SAFETY, & WELFARE IN NORTHWEST MICHIGANThis guide is intended to start a conversation about local policy, budgeting, and leadership decisions, and their impact on public health issues in communities throughout Northwest Michigan. Understanding Community Health, Safety, and Welfare in Northwest Michigan (PDF)

Networks Northwest always proves to be a valued resource for our local government planning efforts. No organization does a better job of convening partners, promoting collaboration, and reporting on the data than does Networks Northwest
- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner