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PO Box 506 — Traverse City, MI 49685-0506  ♦  —Phone (231) 929-5000  ♦  —Fax (231) 929-5012  ♦  —

Networks Northwest is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and service are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Michigan Relay Center callers use 711 or 1-800-649-3777.

Press Releases

Kingsley Master Plan Open House
Residents and business owners in the Village of Kingsley are encouraged to contribute their ideas for the community’s new Master Plan at an upcoming open house. The input session will take place on Wednesday, February 19th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Kingsley Village Office, 207 S. Brownson Avenue, Kingsley, MI 49649.
Local Students in the “Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates” Program Shine in Washington D.C.
Seven local Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) students attended a National Student Leadership Academy (NSLA) in Washington D.C. this past December.
Application Deadline Extended for New Antrim County Materials Management Planning Committee
Antrim County will continue to accept applications until all Materials Management Planning Committee (MMPC) requirements are filled, but it is expected for appointments to the MMPC to be made at the Antrim County Board of Commissioners second meeting in January 2025. The committee will help guide the development of a new Materials Management Plan that the County will be developing with assistance from Networks Northwest.
Northwest Michigan Employers Secure Over $1.3 Million to Train and Upskill 695 Employees
Northwest Michigan employers are celebrating a transformative boost for workforce development, with over $1.3 million awarded through the first round of 2025 Going PRO Talent Fund grants. This funding will provide critical training opportunities for 695 employees, including on-the-job and classroom training for 178 apprentices across the region.
Northwest Michigan Works! Celebrates Registered Apprenticeship Graduation
Northwest Michigan Works!, a program of Networks Northwest, proudly celebrated the graduation of over 50 registered apprentices from its US Department of Labor registered apprenticeship program.
Jobs for Michigan Graduates Announces Two Local Students Selected for National Student Leadership Association in Washington D.C.
Networks Northwest region (NNW) - Jobs for Michigan Graduates is proud to announce that two of their students have been selected to participate in the National Student Leadership Academy (NSLA) in December in Washington D.C. This honorary event will bring together top student leaders from across the country to engage in leadership training, networking opportunities, and discussions with national leaders.
Applications Being Accepted for New Kalkaska County Materials Management Planning Committee
Kalkaska County is accepting applications for a new Materials Management Planning Committee (MMPC). The committee will help guide the development of a new Materials Management Plan that the County will be developing with assistance from Networks Northwest.
Applications Being Accepted for New Manistee-Missaukee-Wexford Multi-County Materials Management Planning Committee
Manistee, Missaukee, and Wexford Counties are accepting applications for a new Multi-County Materials Management Planning Committee (MMPC). The committee will help guide the development of a new Multi-County Materials Management Plan for Manistee, Missaukee, and Wexford Counties with assistance from Networks Northwest.
Applications Being Accepted for New Charlevoix County Materials Management Planning Committee
Charlevoix County is accepting applications for a new Materials Management Planning Committee (MMPC). The committee will help guide the development of a new Materials Management Plan that the County will be developing with assistance from Networks Northwest.
Applications Being Accepted for New Antrim County Materials Management Planning Committee
Antrim County is accepting applications for a new Materials Management Planning Committee (MMPC). The committee will help guide the development of a new Materials Management Plan that the County will be developing with assistance from Networks Northwest.
Habitat for Humanity and SEEDS Recognized During State of Michigan Race to Talent Event
Habitat for Humanity Grand Traverse Region and SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers were recognized for being Champions of US Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship during the State of Michigan Race to Talent event.
Pro Image Design and World Magnetics Launch US Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeships Unique to the Northwest Region
Northwest Michigan Works! in a partnership with Pro Image Design and World Magnetics participated in a US Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship signing event to launch four new apprenticeship training programs.
Local Youth Employment Program Receives Statewide Honors
Northwest Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates program was recently honored by Youth Solutions for thirteen awards.
East Jordan Residents Encouraged to Participate in Survey for New Economic Development Strategy
East Jordan residents, neighbors, and visitors are being encouraged to take an online survey to help guide local leaders as they set a new strategy for economic prosperity.
Northwest Michigan Businesses Receive Nearly $1 Million For Employee Training
28 businesses in northwest Lower Michigan will receive a total of $906,348 for employee training from the second round of fiscal year 2024 grants from the state’s Going PRO Talent Fund.
Traverse City Business Receives EPA’s Outstanding Small Business Contractor Award
Great Lakes Environmental Center, Inc. (GLEC) of Traverse City, a longtime client of the Northwest Michigan APEX Accelerator, received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator’s Award for Outstanding Accomplishments by a Small Business Contractor.
Northwest Michigan Works! Seeks Employer Partner for Innovative Talent Retention Program
Northwest Michigan Works! is looking for an employer to join its Business Resource Network (BRN) program. The program aims to collaborate with an employer committed to enhancing the retention of their existing workforce.
Funding Available for Healthcare Career Training
Job seekers who would like to pursue a career in healthcare may be eligible to have some of their education and training funded through the Michigan Rural Enhanced Access to Careers in Healthcare (MiREACH) program.
Long Lake Township Activity Center Community Input Session May 18
Long Lake Township in Grand Traverse County is holding a Community Input Session on May 18 to gather input to help develop the Long Lake Township Activity Center Subplan.
Afghan Immigrant and Local Employer Receive Michigan Works! Impact Awards
A Traverse City man who immigrated to the U.S. and his local employer each received Michigan Works! Impact Awards for using employment services and other resources provided by Northwest Michigan Works!.
Graceland Fruit Selected as Small Business of the Year
Graceland Fruit of Frankfort has been selected as the Northwest Michigan APEX Accelerator Best Small Business of the Year.
Our Township greatly benefits from Network Northwest's experience, depth of knowledge and understanding. Because they work with so many diverse communities in our ten-county region they understand the local land-use issues and are already working on solutions by the time we realize we need some help.
- Susan Odom, Chair, Suttons Bay Township Planning Commission