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Michigan Works! Professional Job Fair, February 2nd in T.C.

News Release
January 27, 2012

Carrie Bourdages
Communications Specialist
Voice: (231) 929-5038


Michigan Works! Professional Job Fair
Thursday February 2, 2012
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Traverse City Michigan Works! Service Center
1209 S. Garfield, Traverse City


Traverse City—Northwest Michigan Works! is hosting a job fair Thursday, February 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Traverse City Michigan Works! Service Center. The job fair will feature current, open positions with local employers at manufacturing, food production, and natural resources companies.

Applicants must be dressed for a professional, onsite interview, and bring a customized résumé highlighting relevant qualifications. Many positions require a Bachelor’s degree.

Employers in the greater Grand Traverse area are hiring for the following positions:


  • Plant Manager with a local manufacturing company
    (Requires Bachelor's degree and more than 10 years experience)
  • Process Engineer with a local manufacturing company
    (Requires Bachelor's degree)
  • Production/Shipping Leader with a local manufacturing company
  • Sales and Marketing Manager with a local food production company
    (Requires Bachelor's degree)
  • Food Production/Operations Manager with a local food production company
  • Educational Coordinator with a local natural resources organization
    (Requires Bachelor's degree)


For more information and links to descriptions of the available positions, visit



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Networks Northwest always proves to be a valued resource for our local government planning efforts. No organization does a better job of convening partners, promoting collaboration, and reporting on the data than does Networks Northwest
- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner