b'Business Development Global Trade AllianceNetworks Northwest completed their third year of a five-yearfor our clients in the Upper Peninsula contract as the Regional Export Network (REN) host for all ofand northern Lower Michigan.Northern Lower and the Upper Peninsula. TheGlobalTradeAlliancecontinues In 2019, GTA helped organize six trainings and workshopscollaborations with the Michigan Economic Development throughouttheregiongearedtowardhelpingcompaniesCorporation,GrandTraverseAreaManufacturing thatarenewtoexportingandpreparingbusinessesforCouncil, International Affairs Forum, Northern Initiatives, international trade shows. Northern Michigan Chamber Alliance, Networks Northwest Procurement and Technical Assistance Center, Networks In2020,GTAwasmetwithsevereCOVID-19restrictions,Northwest Small Business Development Center, and the these restrictions caused us to pivot and adapt the way weNorthwest Michigan Works! Business Services team.didbusiness.Weparticipatedinonein-personeventthat showcased a new relevant resource and partner, World TradeOurpartnershipwithourregionalMEDCInternational Press. All other events were moved to the virtual space.TradeManagerhasgrownandwehavebeenableto connect businesses with export resources to expand their Giventheworldmovedonline,wefollowedandmadeinternational reach.countlessconnectionstovirtualtrademissions,export webinars and other professional development opportunities Business DevelopmentGlobal Trade Alliance ClientsBusinesses served59State Trade Export Programgrants totaling$226,400Export sales$42,391,484BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT / NETWORKSNORTHWEST.ORG 21'