b'Talent DevelopmentBusiness Services at a Glance215&86 Northwest Michigan Works! Collaborated with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation job seekersemployers and the regions Economic Development Organizations to attended the pre-pandemicconduct March 2020 Career &86business retention and Employment Job Fair growth visits.Employer of the Day84 34 hiring events were held,online campaigns included over with nearly 300 job seekers attending100,000emails to job seekers promoting 97 Career Connectionemployment workshops, events were held,networking, and hiring events.serving 316 participants NearlyNorthwest Michigan Works!, in$31,000partnership with the State of Michigan Workforce Developmentprovided to employers to offset Department, hosted its first onlinethe cost of on-the-job training for hiring event. new employees entering in demand industries with an average hourly This 3-hour virtual job fairwage of $17.00.achieved a 62% attendance rate by connecting 51 jobseekers with 27 employers across the region.TALENT DEVELOPMENT / NETWORKSNORTHWEST.ORG 15'