b'To Partners, Stakeholders, and to all of Northwest Michigan,The Board and Staff of Networks Northwest is pleased to present our 2020 Annual Report. Like in years past, youll find information and highlights about our many program accomplishments throughout 2020 and our continued positive momentum. However, we all know 2020 was unlike any other year. As such, we have made every effort to also include in this report some of the specific COVID-19 response activities we led, including:$874,600 $1,549,866 $4,300,000 $520,000 $500,000Total in EIDL loansTotal in PPP loansTotal in RestartTotal in Relief FundTotal in Relief Fund received by 10 received by 23 Grants received byGrants received byLoans received bySBDC businessesSBDC businesses304 businesses 74 businesses 10 businessesAdditionally, we receivedaU.S. Departmentof Commerce,Economic DevelopmentAdministration Grant of $200,000 to assist in economic recovery and development planning for the region, received U.S.DepartmentofCommerce,SmallBusinessAdministrationGrantstotaling$260,000dedicated to increasing programming to meet the needs of SBDC clients, including an additional 3,222 business counseling hours across the region, & assisted the State of Michigan, Unemployment Insurance Agency with 32,547 unemployment claims receiving direct assistance from Northwest Michigan Works.While we remain very proud of our ability to quickly adapt to the landscape of 2020 and help facilitate the above, we know that it was still not enough. The economic and social disruptions caused by COVID-19 has hastened and placed a spotlight on some of the underlying challenges to our region, impacting businesses, workers, households, and communities alike. More must be done to improve our shared economy, but thus far, 2021 is showing promise.Networks Northwest will continue to be a champion for Talent, Business, and Community focused prosperity throughout Northwest Lower Michigan. The Board and Staff of Networks Northwest is proud to partner with you as we continue to prove the resiliency and adaptability of Northwest Michigan. And, like you, we know our shared path to success must be earnedthat is the way of this agency, our communities, and its people. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.Sincerely,Gary W. Fedus, Board Chair Chris Christensen, Chief Elected Official Matt McCauley,Owner, Mitchell Graphics Charlevoix County Commissioner Chief Executive Officer2 NETWORKSNORTHWEST.ORG / TALENT DEVELOPMENT'