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Task 5 - Final Recommendations and Resources

TC-TALUS: Traverse City Area Transportation and Land Use Study. The Grand Vision.Grand Vision Reports


Agricultural Processing Renaissance Zones

Agri-Economic Report

Brownfield Redevelopment

Brownfield: Establishing an Authority and Plan

Brownfield Redevelopment and Greenfields Protection

Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act

Brownfields Redevelopment Toolbox for Disadvantaged Communities

Revolving Loan Fund Factsheet


Accessory Dwelling Units Model Bylaw

California's Jobs-Housing Balance Incentive Grant Program

California's Myths and Facts about Affordable and High-Density Housing

Case for Higher-Density Housing, Virginia Tech

Community Housing Regulations Barriers Report

Corridor Housing Initiative Mix and Match Development Guidelines, University of Minnesota

Dense About High-Density Development

Density Forum, Urban Land Institute

Density in Your Community Manual

Green Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Closer, and Driving Less are Keys to Sustainability

Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw

Infill and Redevelopment Code Handbook

Local Zoning Bylaw Guidance Document

Measuring Density: Working Definitions for Residential and Building Density

Myths and Facts About Affordable and High Density Housing

Residential Construction Trends in America's Metropolitan Regions

Traditional Neighborhood Development, a Model Ordinance

Workforce Housing Innovation, a Model for Replication


Mixed Use Development

APA Town Center Model Zoning Ordinance

Chris Leinberger Capital Gains Media

Model Ordinance Downtown Mixed Use

Model Ordinance Village Mixed Use

PAS Model Mixed Use Zoning District Ordinance

Town Center Zoning Ordinance Model

Transportation Research Board SR298 Summary

Village Center Overlay District Model Bylaw

Talent Attraction

Pedestrian-Oriented Districts and Corridors Design Standards

Talent Magnet Project Report of Memphis

Walkable Urbanism


  • Task 5.2 Energy

Car Sharing

Car Sharing Takes Off, CNBC

Car Sharing Vehicle Rental Services

Developing a Car Sharing Service

Philly Car Share

Conservation Development

Cattaraugus County Planning

Cluster Conservation Development, Illinois

Conservation Design, Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Conservation Development FAQs

Conservation Development Overlay District - Section 31

Conservation Development Site Evaluation Guidelines, Iowa

Conservation Subdivisions

Conservation Subdivision Development Standards, Farmington, Utah

Conservation Design versus Typical Cluster Regulations

Designing Traditional Neighborhoods Around Natural Features, Terrain Article, Randall Arendt

Growing Greener Conservation by Design

Growing Greener Conservation by Design Booklet

Growing Greener Conservation by Design, Model Ordinance, Pennsylvania

Growing Greener Putting Conservation into Local Codes

Jefferson Township Conservation Development Zoning Category

Land Choices "Clustering" vs. Conservation Subdivision Design

Smart Development for Quality Communities, Vol. 2, Design Guidebook, Cattaraugus County, NY

USDA Conservation Planning National Template


Energy Audits

Energy Audit Program for Lower Energy Bills and Improved Energy Performance, New York

Energy Audit Workbook, Washington State University Energy Program

Home Energy Analysis, Traverse City Light and Power

Home Energy Audits, Energy Star

Net-Zero Energy Commercial Building Initiative, U.S. Dept. of Energy

Profile of Michigan's Green Economy

Sample Text to Incorporate Energy Star into Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Activity Worksheets

State and Local Governments Leveraging Energy Star


Green Buildings

Ashland Green Building Article

City of East Lansing Green Building Policy

Grand Rapids Green Building

Grand Rapids Sustainability Plan

ICLEI - A Look at Green Building Strategies Across California

Local Leaders in Sustainability Article

MML Michigan Green Communities Challenge

Model Ordinance - Energy Efficiency Ordinance

National League of Cities - Cities Promote Building 'Green'

North Carolina - Green Building at New Columbia

Project Examples - How Cities are 'Going Green' - NLC

Scottsdale LEED Policy - NLC


Petroleum Reduction Incentives

Clean Cities Initiative

Pricing Incentives

Best Workplaces for Commuters

Best Workplaces for Commuters - Tuscon Example

Demand Side Strategies - FHWA

Federal Highway Administration - Congestion Management Process

Mitigating Traffic Congestion

Orange County Schedule and Pricing


  • Task 5.2 Food and Farming

Ag Zoning

Fact Sheet - Agricultural Protection Zoning

Florida Planning Toolbox

Model Ordinance - Agriculture Forest Protection

Model Ordinance - Planned Unit Development (PUD)

Model Ordinance - Intro and Overview Guide to Local Land Use

Open Space Residential Design

OSU Fact Sheet - Agricultural Zoning

Planning and Zoning Farmland Protection



Agritourism White Paper

Foodie Tour Guide

Northwest Region Agritour List

Zoning Provisions Guidebook



63rd Street Corridor

Gateways and Corridors

Main Streets Flexibility in Design

Model Ordinance - Highway Commercial

PAS Memo - Rethinking Urban Gateways

Urban Design

Waco TX - Elm Avenue Improvement Plan

Washington State DOT - Design Flexibility


Local Food

Eat Fresh

Economic Impacts, Challenges, and Opportunities

Farm to School

Farm Market Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices (GAAMPs)

Model Ordinance - Local Food


Urban Gardens

State of Michigan Land Bank Garden for Growth Program


  • Task 5.2 Housing

Live Near Your Work

Incentives for the Workforce - Commuter Connections

Job Housing Balance Incentive Grant Program

Live Where You Work - NJ


Antrim County Housing

Bright Ideas Summer 2000

Trust Funds

Citizens Research Council - Barriers and Opportunities

Citizens Research Council - Report

Community Housing Choices - Housing Trust Funds

Federal Publication

Progress Report 2007

Purchase of Development Rights

Ag Preservation - Michigan

Farmland Protection Toolbox

Land Preservation Methods

Map of Eligible Michigan Counties

Michigan Ag Preservation Fund Policies

OSU Factsheet

Peninsula Township PDR Ordinance

Peninsula Township Conservation Projects

Transfer of Development Rights

Benzie County TDR Ordinance

Farmland Protected by Easements - Montgomery County

TDR - Massachusetts Toolkit

TDR 101 - Fact Sheet American Farmland Trust

TDR Trends - Rick Pruetz


  • Task 5.2 Natural Resources
  • Task 5.2 Smart Growth
  • Task 5.2 Transportation
  • Task 5.2 Unique Villages
Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager