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World Trade Reference Guides

The Global Trade Alliance of Northern Michigan is offering access to an online export database that offers true insight and practical applications to your exporting teams. From articles on business culture to tips on negotiation in country to videos helping you learn those all-important key phrases in a foreign language, you will find value in every part of this online resource.

World Trade Ref™ contains 100 Country Business Guides and 76 Trade Resources. Each guide includes articles on business formation, business culture, import/export procedures, investment climate, seaports, money and banking, taxation and security. Trade resources include the complete Dictionary of International Trade, illustrated guides to Incoterms® 2010, letters of credit, and shipping containers.

To take advantage of this invaluable resource please click on the link below.

Export Database

If you do not have a login and are interested in learning more, please contact Rob Dickinson.

Contact Form

Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager