Virtual Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Achievements of 64 Adult Education Students
News Release
June 12, 2020
TRAVERSE CITY, MI— A virtual graduation ceremony online is honoring the Northwest Michigan Works! Adult Education Class of 2020. Due to COVID-19, this year’s ceremony was switched from an in-person event to an online video. The Adult Education Class of 2020 includes 21 graduates who received a high school diploma and 43 candidates who have completed the GED (HSE) certificate. The virtual ceremony includes presentations by TBAISD Superintendent, Dr. Nick Ceglarek, Northwest Michigan Works! Chief Program Officer, Terry Vandercook, student speaker, John Barron, and a commencement address by Networks Northwest CEO, Matt McCauley. The ceremony is available online at
The adult education program serves the community by helping adult learners ‑ those hundreds of community members who are already seeking to contribute to our workforce and business communities but who are uneducated or untrained – to enter the workforce ready for success. Today, adults earning a high school diploma or completing a GED (now known as HSE – High School Equivalency) certificate follow a path of purpose-driven education. “All of our adult learners have an individualized learning plan with goals that help them in their employment path,” said Christy Nelson, Adult Education Coordinator.
Adult education services are available through the cooperative efforts of the Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District (TBAISD), Networks Northwest, and Northwest Michigan Works!. The program operates six Learning Labs in Northwest Michigan. Adult Education Learning Lab programs are open year-round and have daytime and evening hours. Participants may start at any time and can learn at their own pace.
For more information about Adult Education contact Christy Nelson, Adult Education Coordinator, at 231-929-5055, or go to
Our Township greatly benefits from Network Northwest's experience, depth of knowledge and understanding. Because they work with so many diverse communities in our ten-county region they understand the local land-use issues and are already working on solutions by the time we realize we need some help.
- Susan Odom, Chair, Suttons Bay Township Planning Commission