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Village of Mesick Hosts Master Plan Public Forum

News Release
February 21, 2012


Carrie Bourdages                                                       Sarah Lucas
Communications Specialist                                     Regional Planner
Voice: (231) 929-5038                                                Voice: (231) 929-5034
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Village of Mesick Hosts Master Plan Public Forum
Tuesday, February 28  6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Mesick Public Schools, High School Commons



MESICK, MI — The Village of Mesick master plan process will begin with a public forum on Tuesday, February 28, from 6-8:00 p.m. at the high school commons of the Mesick Public School building.

This master plan is being created by and for the residents of Mesick, with public input as a key component of the planning process on village issues, including land use, managing resources, the economy, transportation, housing, recreation, and quality of life.

The planning commission and a newly-formed Master Plan Committee began work on the plan with the support of a Northwest Michigan Council of Governments (NWMCOG) Community Growth Grant, awarded in September 2011.

The forum includes a brief presentation on the basics of the master plan process, as well as results of a community-wide survey released in December. Village residents will then have the opportunity to participate in small group discussions on their vision for the future and their opinions on village issues. The Master Plan Committee will review public input and coordinate focus group discussions on issues identified as high priority.

The master plan ­‑ which serves as a guide for local land use, economic development, and other community decisions ‑ will prepare village residents for the area’s changing needs. It will also allow for informed decisions about managing resources, building the economy, and directing growth.

To learn more about master plans and the planning process, or to take part in the committee meetings, please contact Sarah Lucas at the NWMCOG at 231-929-5034, or via email at sarahlucas@nwm.cog.mi.usPTAC Docs


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