Successful Local Business Owners Set to Share Advice at Business Plan Class in Traverse City
News Release
August 18, 2014
Media Contact:
Dan Boss, Program Publicity Specialist
231-929-5047 |
Successful Local Business Owners Set to Share Advice at Business Plan Class in Traverse City
TRAVERSE CITY, MI – Traverse City auto dealership owner Otto Belovich will be the opening guest speaker at a class that will help business owners learn how to develop a business plan in just six weeks. The Northwest Michigan Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is offering "Venture Plan: Six Week Business Plan," beginning September 9 in Traverse City. The class will run from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. every Tuesday through October 14. The classes will be held at the Northwest Michigan Small Business Development Center at the Michigan Works! Service Center located at 1209 S. Garfield.
Along with Belovich other guest speakers will include: Lisa Newhouse, Cherry City Consulting; Mike Weitschat, Peterson McGregor Insurance; Vernon LaLone, CPA; Beth Bozung, Safety Net; Mike Caruso, MBank; and Mary Rogers, SBDC Regional Director.
“Our guest speakers have a wealth of experience in a wide variety of businesses,” said Rogers. “They’ll share their many successes and failures of owning and operating their own small businesses, and will offer encouragement and insight to people taking the class.”
The intense, six-week class is for highly motivated early-stage business owners creating a business plan. In addition to the guest speakers, participants will meet weekly with SBDC Small Business Consultant Walt Muellenhagen, and will spend time developing a winning business plan that will include start-up costs and cash flow projections, market research and defining your target customer, social media and marketing strategy, operations management, and more.
"Venture Plan: Six Week Business Plan” costs $149 per participant. Registration and payment information is available online at: For more information contact Tricia Stevens at: or 231-922-3780.
The SBDC is a statewide business assistance program that provides one-on-one counseling, training and research support for Michigan small businesses. The Northwest Michigan Regional office is hosted by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments. For more information, go to:
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Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager