Poverty Reduction Initiative Mentoring Breakfast June 11 in Traverse City
News Release
June 3, 2014
Steve Wade, Vice-Chair, Traverse Bay Poverty Reduction Initiative
231-935-4066 | swade@gtrcf.org
Poverty Reduction Initiative Mentoring Breakfast June 11 in Traverse City
TRAVERSE CITY, MI—The Traverse Bay Poverty Reduction Initiative (PRI) is hosting a Mentoring Breakfast Wednesday, June 11 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the Faith Reformed Church Family Life Center located at 1105 E. Front St. in Traverse City. The breakfast is part of an ongoing effort to improve the region's mentoring programs by identifying gaps in those programs and looking at ways organizations can work together to fill those gaps.
The featured speaker at this year's Mentoring Breakfast will be Joe Liszewski from NorthSky Nonprofit Network. His topic will be Collective Impact, How to Get More from Mentoring. The event will also include information about Community Mentoring and a tour of HelpLink.
The breakfast is free. You can find more information and register for the event at: traversebaypri.org.
The Traverse Bay Poverty Reduction Initiative is a community-driven, collaborative effort to reduce poverty in the Traverse Bay region. The program was born out of the Poverty Summit, held in February 2004, in which 225 area residents joined together to address the issue of poverty in our area. The Poverty Reduction Initiative consists of representatives from local businesses, public and government agencies, and concerned citizens. Working subcommittees focus on five strategic directions: Navigating, Mentoring, Education, Advocacy, and Communications.
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