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Open Meetings Act Workshop June 30 in Traverse City

News Release

May 27, 2014

Dan Boss, Program Publicity Specialist
(231) 929-5047  |




Open Meetings Act Workshop June 30 in Traverse City


TRAVERSE CITY, MI— How to Comply with the Michigan Open Meetings Act (OMA) will be the topic of a June 30 workshop in Traverse City. The workshop will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the large conference room on the south side of the Michigan Works! Center, 1209 South Garfield Avenue. The workshop is being offered by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments in partnership with Michigan State University Extension.

The OMA is intended to make it easier for citizens to know what their public bodies are doing and why. Citizens are demanding greater accountability and transparency from government and the OMA is the legal framework for all public bodies in Michigan to adhere to. Workshop participants will learn how to effectively and legally operate within the OMA.

The workshop is designed for those who serve on public bodies but all are welcome to attend. The cost of the workshop is $55 for those who register by June 23 and $70 the week of the event or at the door. Completion of the workshop qualifies as 2.5 Master Citizen Planner credits.

For more information and to register go to:

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- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager