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Newton’s Road Hosts Think. Design. Create. Online Competition

TRAVERSE CITY, MI — An online competition is giving local students a chance to use their creativity, math, perseverance, and troubleshooting skills. The second annual Newton’s Road’s Think. Design. Create. Online Competition is open to students kindergarten through high school seniors in the 10 county northwest lower Michigan region. The online format allows for family and friends from around the country to see their student’s project and participate by voting for the People’s Choice Award.

Students who participate in the competition will create a scene through multiple mediums that depicts a problem within: the environment, social justice, or industrial problems. They will also create an engineering notebook, a short video explaining their project and design process, and a 3D printed element to their scene.

Awards will be presented for Best Elementary Design, Best Middle School Design, Best High School Design and People’s Choice. The winners of the Best Design and People’s Choice awards will be announced prior to the holidays.

The deadline to apply is November 17, 2017. For more information about the competition and to apply please visit:

About Newton’s Road
Newton’s Road, a program of Networks Northwest, works with regional partners to leverage the unique characteristics of northern Michigan’s natural surroundings, knowledgeable workforce, and rich legacy of community involvement to champion, support and increase access to outstanding learning opportunities in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM Education).

Networks Northwest always proves to be a valued resource for our local government planning efforts. No organization does a better job of convening partners, promoting collaboration, and reporting on the data than does Networks Northwest
- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner