New Website Offers Helpful Information During Busy Road Construction Season
News Release
April 7, 2015
Media Contact:
Dan Boss, Communications Specialist
231-929-5047 |
New Website Offers Helpful Information During Busy Road Construction Season
TRAVERSE CITY, MI – A new website will give motorists in the Grand Traverse area easy access to information about road construction and driving during this year’s busy construction season. includes an interactive map of the area’s construction projects, a current travel time indicator for the US-31 construction corridor, and a list of travel alternatives for commuters and tourists. The website was developed by Networks Northwest, the Traverse City Area Transportation and Land Use Study (TC-TALUS), and state and local road, trail, and transportation organizations.
“Over 20 million dollars of much needed road work is scheduled to take place in the Grand Traverse area between April and November this year,” said Matt Skeels, TC-TALUS Coordinator. “ will give motorists an easy way to see the status of the different construction projects, check the travel time on US-31, and learn about some ways to reduce traffic congestion.”
Some of the major road projects in the Grand Traverse area this year include reconstruction of US-31 from Three Mile Road to Holiday Road, resurfacing US-31 from Holiday Road to the Grand Traverse Resort, construction of roundabouts near the new Meijer store on M-72, and work on the LaFranier Road hill near South Airport Road.
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