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Missaukee County Road Commission Manager Receives Statewide Recognition

News Release
April 17, 2012

Media Contacts:

Dan Boss                                                 Michael Woods
Program Publicity Specialist                 Regional Planner
Voice: (231) 929-5047                            Voice: (231) 929-5056
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Missaukee County Road Commission Manager
Receives Statewide Recognition


LAKE CITY, MI—Missaukee County Road Commission Manager Kelly Bekken has been selected to receive the Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council's (TAMC) 2012 Individual Asset Management Award. Bekken was nominated for the award by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments (NWMCOG).


"Kelly is a seasoned professional who has implemented outstanding asset management principles in a very rural county with limited resources," said Michael Woods, NWMCOG regional planner. "He has advocated for transportation asset management on both the statewide and community level."


The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) uses asset management to identify and evaluate road conditions so resources can be used where they are most needed to maintain roads and the transportation system in general. The TAMC was established to expand the practice of asset management statewide to make investing in Michigan's roads and bridges more productive.


Bekken has helped move asset management forward in Michigan by participating in Local Transportaion Assistance Program maintenance strategy webinars; attending regional and statewide County Road Association of Michigan and annual Asset Management conferences; and teaming with neighboring counties each year to provide an open forum for local officials to voice their concerns and raise questions about the condition of area roads.


NWMCOG Regional Planning and Community Development staff provide regional support for the asset management program which includes: administrative support, liaision activities between the counties and MDOT, training, scheduling of inventory times, data collection, and equipment handling. The most recent Asset Management Report for northwest lower Michigan is available at: .


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- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner