Mesick Master Plan and Recreation Plan Available for Public Comment
News Release
October 5, 2012
Media Contact: Dan Boss
Program Publicity Specialist
Voice: (231) 929-5047
Mesick Master Plan and Recreation Plan
Available for Public Comment
MESICK, MI—A draft Master Plan for the Village of Mesick is now available for public comment. The new master plan will serve as a guide for local land use, economic development, and other community decisions. It will prepare the Village for changing needs and allow for informed decisions about managing resources, building the economy, and directing growth.
The Village of Mesick began work on a new Village Master Plan last fall. Assistance was provided by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments (NWMCOG), as part of a Community Growth Grant, a program in support of The Grand Vision.
A Master Plan Committee made up of representatives from the general public, Village government, Mesick Consolidated Schools, and others, guided the development of the Plan. The group worked to coordinate public input opportunities and review draft documents.
Public input was a key component of the planning process. Surveys were distributed to Village residents, businesses, and students, and a public forum was held in February 2012. Additional presentations and input opportunities were provided to groups including the Mesick Lions Club, the Mesick School Board, and the Mesick Chamber of Commerce. These local events and surveys provided for meaningful input from the public on Village goals and priorities, addressing issues such as land use, the economy, transportation, housing, recreation, and quality of life.
Based on public input and analysis of current conditions, the Committee worked to develop goals, future land use districts, and action strategies that call for initiatives intended to:
- Work with local, regional, state, and federal partners to reuse or redevelop vacant lots or buildings in the downtown, and to recruit and encourage new downtown retail, entertainment, and neighborhood services
- Work with residents, partners, and stakeholders to develop and support additional community activities such as concerts, fall and winter festivals, and sports events
- Work with community members and stakeholders to explore possibilities for natural gas infrastructure
- Consider establishing a Downtown Development Authority
- Encourage and support organized marketing and promotion efforts for Village businesses
- Work to attract and implement senior housing and/or assisted living opportunities in the Village
The draft Master Plan also includes a five-year recreation plan which, once approved, will make the Village eligible to apply for recreation grants from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
A final draft of the Master Plan and Recreation Plan is available for review and comment by the public, neighboring units of government, utilities, and other Village stakeholders. Following this required review period the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to allow for additional citizen comment and to consider any comments received during the review period. The Planning Commission will then take action on the draft plan and forward a recommendation to the Village Council for final review.
The draft Plan is available for review and comment online at . Hard copies are available for review and comment at the Mesick Village office.
For those that would like to learn more about the Master Plan, or to obtain a copy, please contact Deb Stanton, at 231-885-1646, or via email at
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Our Township greatly benefits from Network Northwest's experience, depth of knowledge and understanding. Because they work with so many diverse communities in our ten-county region they understand the local land-use issues and are already working on solutions by the time we realize we need some help.
- Susan Odom, Chair, Suttons Bay Township Planning Commission