Kalkaska County Asking For Input on Recreation Plan
News Release
October 29, 2012
Media Contact:
Dan Boss
Program Publicity Specialist
Voice: (231) 929-5047
Email: danboss@nwm.cog.mi.us
Kalkaska County Asking For Input on Recreation Plan
KALKASKA, MI— Kalkaska County is looking for public input to help update the county's Parks and Recreation Plan. The new Recreation Plan will review existing recreation facilities in the county, discuss community-identified recreation needs, and make recommendations for future recreation improvements and activities.
As part of the recreation planning process, the County Parks and Recreation Committee will seek input from Kalkaska County residents, property owners, and visitors on recreation needs and goals:
- A survey will be made available in November 2012. Surveys will be provided to all residents and property owners, and will be available for pickup at recreation facilities and other locations countywide. The survey will also be available online at www.kalkaskacounty.net.
- A public forum will be held in January 2013. The forum will provide an opportunity for the public to learn more about the recreation planning process, hear about survey results, and provide input on plan goals.
- Township and Village input is welcome and encouraged throughout the process. The Parks and Recreation Committee will reach out to local governments to provide information, obtain input, and coordinate activities.
- The public is invited and encouraged to attend Parks and Recreation Committee meetings to participate in the planning process. Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 8 a.m. in the meeting room on the second floor of the Kaliseum.
The plan will be developed to meet Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) requirements for recreation plans, which are required in order to be eligible for recreation grants through the MDNR. The updated Recreation Plan will allow the county and local units of government to apply for recreation grants.
Assistance in developing the plan is being provided by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments, as part of a New Designs for Growth: Community Growth Grant award in support of The Grand Vision.
The New Designs for Growth: Community Growth Grants program is administered by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments, in partnership with the Traverse City Area Chamber of Commerce and the Northern Lakes Economic Alliance, and is made possible through generous support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
For questions and comments about the Parks and Recreation plan please contact:
Mark Randolph, Chair
Kalkaska County Parks & Recreation Committee
Sarah Lucas, Regional Planner
Mike Woods, Regional Planner
Northwest Michigan Council of Governments
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Networks Northwest always proves to be a valued resource for our local government planning efforts. No organization does a better job of convening partners, promoting collaboration, and reporting on the data than does Networks Northwest
- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner