Job Seeker Services Expanding at Traverse Area District Library Through Partnership With Northwest Michigan Works!
News Release
December 8, 2020
TRAVERSE CITY, MI —In support of Michigan’s Career Exploration and Awareness Month, job seekers will have improved access to a variety of job search tools through a new partnership between the Traverse Area District Library (TADL) and Northwest Michigan Works! The two organizations will collaborate in multiple ways, including online resources ( and a soon-to-be-released webinar series focused on assisting job seekers with improving their job search, resume writing, and interviewing skills. Additional webinar topics are expected to be added in the future.
The project is funded in part by a $2,000 donation to TADL from Northwest Michigan Works! which matches a $2,000 grant TADL received from the Public Library Association and American Library Association in partnership with Grow with Google. TADL is using the grant to purchase additional Wi-Fi hotspots and a laptop computer that job seekers will be able to check out and take home. TADL is also developing an online interview station in its service area so job seekers without internet or computer access can pursue opportunities for employment. If you have a need for employment services please call Northwest Michigan Works! at 1-800-442-1074.
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- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager