Career Exploration Camp Offered for Local Students
TRAVERSE CITY, MI—A Career Exploration Camp will be one of the offerings available for local students at the TBAISD’s Cool Tech Camp June 19-21 in Traverse City. “See It To Be It! Creating Your Career Vision” will help students explore the possibilities of their future. The class will give students a chance to work on fun, real-world challenges, learn about the many different positions within a company, and meet professionals and hear their journey to finding a profession they love. Companies participating in the camp will include Cherry Capital Mobile Pet Hospital, NDX D.H. Baker Dental Lab, Hilbert's Honey Bees, Home Builders Association, North Flight EMS, and Merlo Energy.
See It to Be It! and the other Cool Tech Camp classes will be held June 19-21 from 8:30 am to 11:30 am at the TBAISD Career-Tech Center. Camps are open to all TBAISD students currently in 5th, 6th, and 7th grades. The cost of the camp is $40 and includes a t-shirt, supplies, snacks, and lunch on the last day.
More information about the camp, including a registration form and scholarship information, is available at If you have questions about the camp, please call 231.922.6322. The registration deadline is May 18.
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- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager