Cadillac Culvert Wins Best Small Business Award
CADILLAC, MI - Cadillac Culvert has been selected to receive the Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center’s (MI-SBTDC) Best Small Business Award. Cadillac Culvert was one 12 Best Small Business Award recipients selected from over 13,000 small businesses that received MI-SBTDC counseling and training in 2012.
The business that became Cadillac Culvert had filed for bankruptcy and was on the brink of closing when long-time employees Don Aldrich and Chuck Thomas decided to look into buying the company. They had already been overseeing the day to day operation of the plant, but in order to make the purchase Aldrich and Thomas needed a professional business plan. MI-SBTDC consultant Annie Shetler helped them develop that plan and go through the process of buying the company.
"Annie helped us tremendously," said Aldrich. "Anything we stumbled at all on she had the answers for us."
"Without that guidance Don and I would have been pretty much on a blind mission." said Thomas. "That guidance really provided the framework to get the business operation going."
Aldrich and Thomas were able to open Cadillac Culvert on May 10, 2012. They retained seven full time employees and have added three more. Cadillac Culvert currently sells their products to government agencies, private companies and the general public. They are working to expand their customer base throughout Michigan, and are in the process of launching a spin-off company.
“Each year we have the pleasure of recognizing one business in our region that exemplifies the spirit of entrepreneurship by demonstrating faith in and commitment to their local economy. We feel honored to have assisted Cadillac Culvert in creating local jobs and securing a bright future for the company," said Mary Rogers, MI-SBTDC Northwest Region Director.
Cadillac Culvert and the other Best Small Business Award recipients will be honored at the Michigan Celebrates Small Business awards ceremony on May 2 in Lansing.
For more information about Cadillac Culvert visit:
The MI-SBTDC is a statewide business assistance program that provides one-on-one counseling, training and research support for Michigan small businesses. The Northwest Michigan Regional office is hosted by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments. For more information, go to:
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