Business Owners Complete Business Plan Training in Traverse City
Business Owners Complete Business Plan Training in Traverse City
New Class Scheduled to Start March 14
TRAVERSE CITY, MI - Julie Hay, the owner of Red Fox Gardens flower farm in Elk Rapids, says it's both terrifying and exciting to start a small business. Hay says she learned a lot about starting a business by taking the "Venture Plan: Six Week Business Plan" class, offered by the Michigan Small Business and Technology Development Center (MI-SBTDC), a program of Northwest Michigan Council of Governments.
“I would recommend this class to other aspiring business owners because I think it really helps to move one's dream from the idea to execution stage," said Hay. "In this class students benefit from the experience and knowledge of the instructor as well as the feedback and support from others in the class."
The MI-SBTDC is offering another "Venture Plan: Six Week Business Plan" class in Traverse City to teach business owners how to develop a business plan. The class will start March 14 and will meet every Thursday through April 25, with one week off for spring break. The classes will run from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Michigan Works! Service Center, 1209 South Garfield.
The intense, six-week class is for highly motivated early-stage business owners creating a business plan. Participants will meet weekly with a Certified Small Business Consultant, guest speakers and other business owners. During the class participants will also spend time developing a winning business plan that will include start up costs, cash flow projections, market research, marketing strategy, and more. Participants may also meet with the instructor outside of class for individualized work on their business plan.
"Venture Plan: Six Week Business Plan" will cost only $90 per participant thanks to a $360 scholarship from Michigan State University. Pre-registration is required at For more information call 231-922-3780.
The MI-SBTDC is a statewide business assistance program that provides one-on-one counseling, training and research support for Michigan small businesses. The Northwest Michigan Regional office is hosted by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments.
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