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Salvation Army to Provide Holiday Assistance in Grand Traverse and Leelanau Counties

Households within Grand Traverse and Leelanau counties that have not applied for assistance elsewhere may be eligible for assistance for the holidays from the Salvation Army in Traverse City. The local center provides Thanksgiving Food Basket & Turkey; Christmas Toy Shop (children 0-17) and Food Basket; and an Adopt-a-Teen Program which provides gifts for teens 13-17 provided by sponsors in the community, and a "Wish List" of reasonable gift suggestions provided by the family.



Application for help is available on the following dates and times at The Salvation Army, 1239 Barlow Street, Traverse City, MI 49686:

  • Tuesday, November 10th  - 9am-4pm
  • Thursday, November 12th – 9am – 4pm
  • Saturday, November 14th – 9am – 4pm 


To qualify for assistance, applicants must bring the following:

  •  Picture IDs:
    • Picture ID for all household members ages 18 and up is required.
    • Identification must display current physical address.
  • Social Security Cards:
    • Social security card is required for all household members.
    • A birth certificate will be accepted in lieu of social security card for newborns.
  • Verification of Income:
    • Verification of income is required; it must display all household income for last 30 days.
    • Tax forms or a bank statement is accepted to verify the income for the self-employed
    • Families up to the 150 percentile of the 2015 federal poverty level are eligible for assistance.


The Salvation Army is available to answer your questions by calling: 231-946-4644.



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- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager