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Northwest Michigan Workforce Leaders Receive Statewide Recognition


Three northwest Michigan workforce leaders received special recognition at the annual Michigan Works! Association Conference held in Mount Pleasant.


Workforce Development Board Chairman Dave Adams received the Volunteer of the Year award. Dave has been a Workforce Development Board member since 1981 and Chair since 1986. He was recognized for being a consistently strong voice for Michigan Works, and always supporting the mission and advocating for the key role played by the private sector.


Networks Northwest CEO Elaine Wood received the Ralph Loeschner Outstanding Service Award. Elaine was recognized for being a staunch supporter and promoter of the Michigan Works! system throughout her four decade career in talent and workforce development, and for being a shining example of leadership in the Michigan Works! system.


Beaver Island Lighthouse School Site Supervisor Steve Finch received the Impact Award, given to a staff member for exceptional positive impact on clients. Steve has been the Site Supervisor for the Lighthouse School since 2008. During that time over 60 youth who would not have otherwise graduated in a traditional high school setting earned their high school diplomas, largely due to his efforts. Steve believes that education is not just about knowledge but about creating exceptional, productive citizens that contribute to Michigan’s community and workforce.



Dave Adams, Volunteer of the Year

  Elaine Wood, Ralph Loeschner Outstanding Service Award  

Steve Finch, Impact Award


Luann Dunsford, CEO, Michigan Works! Association; Dave Adams; Charlotte Mahoney, Michigan Works! Association Board Chair


Luann Dunsford, CEO, Michigan Works! Association; Elaine Wood; Charlotte Mahoney, Michigan Works! Association Board Chair


Steve has been the Site Supervisor for the Beaver Island Lighthouse School since 2008; he helped more than 60 youth obtain their high school diplomas.


The professionals at Networks Northwest help our City Council, Planning Commission, and staff make thoughtful decisions to ensure our community is sustainable and resilient for many years to come.
- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager