Northern Michigan Regional Planning Director Selected for International Fellowship
Matt McCauley, the director of regional planning and community development for the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments (NWMCOG), has been selected to receive a research fellowship to study the linkages between regional planning and workforce development in Europe. McCauley received the fellowship through the Urban and Regional Policy Program of the German Marshall Fund. He was one of just three recipients selected from a very competitive pool of domestic and international candidates.
“I’m very excited about this honor and the opportunity to learn abroad,” said McCauley. “I expect to bring back many ideas that can apply to northern Michigan and perhaps also to other state and national initiatives being built around regions.”
McCauley will spend a month this summer researching the alignment of regional planning and workforce development through the lens of the European Union’s Smart Specialization (S3) platform. The S3 platform involves a process of developing a vision, identifying competitive advantage, setting strategic priorities and making use of smart policies to maximize the knowledge-based development potential of any region, strong or weak, high-tech or low-tech. He will begin his trip in Seville, Spain and continue on to the country’s Basque Region, before travelling to the Flanders Region of Belgium, and the Centre Region of France.
The Urban and Regional Policy Program promotes practical, hands-on exchanges and networking activities, and supports policy analysis on pressing regional policy challenges. The German Marshall Fund of the United States, a non-partisan public policy and grant making institution, strengthens transatlantic cooperation on regional, national, and global challenges and opportunities by supporting individuals and institutions working on pressing public policy issues.
McCauley’s fellowship will be paid by a 100 percent scholarship, with major funding provided by Bank of America and the Compagnia di San Paolo.
Related Info: Regional Planning - Northwest Michigan
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- Ty Wessell, Leelanau County Commissioner