New Business Resource Network Available for Local Employers
A new resource network will help local businesses retain employees. Northwest Michigan Works! has launched the Emmet-Charlevoix Business Resource Network TeamWork NorthWest!. This employer-driven collaborative is focused on enhanced employee retention, support, and training, and is available to businesses interested in reducing turnover costs.
A shared, professional Success Coach offers on-site employee assistance, including the tools and resources to increase job retention and encourage advancements. Employer incentives may be available for qualified, participating businesses.
“Northwest Michigan Works! is pleased to launch this innovative, employee retention program in our region,” said Evelyn Szpliet, the Manager of Apprenticeships and Community Ventures for Northwest Michigan Works!. “Employers in Emmet and Charlevoix counties have the first opportunity to participate, with additional Business Resource Networks developing in other locations. We encourage employers experiencing high turnover rates to take advantage of this unique opportunity.”
Employers interested in learning about the program are encouraged to contact Evelyn Szpliet at or 231.631.2613.
The professionals at Networks Northwest help our City Council, Planning Commission, and staff make thoughtful decisions to ensure our community is sustainable and resilient for many years to come.
- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager