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Michigan Works! Helps Meijer Staff New Store in Manistee


Northwest Michigan Works! provided assistance to Meijer as the company hired staff for its new store in Manistee. Hundreds of people came to the Manistee Michigan Works! Center for in-person interviews with Meijer.

“The job fair for our new Meijer Store in Manistee was a tremendous success,” said Maureen Mitchell, regional market director for Meijer. “We were very pleased with how smooth the process went and thoroughly impressed with the high quality candidates we interviewed from the local community over the course of our four-day hiring event. Everyone at Manistee Michigan Works shared their passion to impact their community and came in every day with high energy, creating an incredibly positive environment. Their partnership was truly influential in the success of our hiring event.”


Watch the video to find out more.





Related info:  

Manistee Michigan Works! Center  |  Job Seeker Info  |  Business Services



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