Michigan Shifting Gears
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation announces its tenth offering of the highly successful "Shifting Gears."
Michigan Shifting Gears is a three-month career transition program for talented corporate professionals who aspire to make a difference. The purpose of the program is to enable professionals to network and adapt to working with small, innovative, growing businesses.
The program offers intensive career assessments and professional coaching, peer networking, internships, mentoring with local business leaders, and much more.
Learn more about the program and sign up for an informational webinar at http://www.mitalent.org/Michigan-Shifting-Gears-Program/
Our Township greatly benefits from Network Northwest's experience, depth of knowledge and understanding. Because they work with so many diverse communities in our ten-county region they understand the local land-use issues and are already working on solutions by the time we realize we need some help.
- Susan Odom, Chair, Suttons Bay Township Planning Commission