Michigan Moments Come to Life in 2015 Official Pure Michigan Travel Guide
While Michigan’s winter wonderland is still in full swing, Pure Michigan is encouraging travelers to start thinking ahead to summer vacation with the release of the 2015 Official Pure Michigan Travel Guide. This free guide, available in both print and digital versions, highlights activities to enjoy across the state throughout this spring and summer.
The full color publication will also be offered in a free, universally accessible digital edition, allowing users to access the guide from their desktop and laptop computers, as well as smartphones and tablets. The digital version also offers interactive features, including videos, photographic slideshows and a real-time feed of the latest daily travel stories from the Pure Michigan blog.
“Our travel guide is a tremendous opportunity to bring to life the diversity of experiences Michigan has to offer while serving as a resource for visitors planning a trip to the state,” said David West, Vice President of Travel Michigan, part of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. “The information, imagery and insight in the travel guide help us to tell the dynamic stories of the people and places of Michigan.”
Individuals may request a copy of the 2015 Official Pure Michigan Travel Guide at michigan.org or by calling toll-free at (888) 784-7328. The guide will also be available at the 14 Michigan Welcome Centers across the state.
Feature stories in the 2015 Official State Travel Guide include National Treasures, featuring Michigan’s five national parks, 10 Ways to Love Lake Huron, My Kind of Beach to help visitors find their perfect Michigan beach and Golf Style, highlighting courses throughout the state. There is also a feature story on Detroit, which serves as the cover photo for this year’s guide.
Other stories in the guide feature Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, paddling the Au Sable River, an introduction to sporting clays and pet friendly destinations. The guide also includes the popular Michigan Moments section, an events calendar, state park and camping information and contact information for Michigan convention & visitor bureaus and regional tourism associations.
In addition to the warm weather Official Pure Michigan Travel Guide – which will include the distribution of 650,000 copies with the March/April issue of Midwest Living – Pure Michigan will once again distribute separate fall and winter travel guides in 2015, highlighting travel opportunities in Michigan unique to each of those seasons.
The Pure Michigan Travel Guide was printed at Quad Graphics in Midland, Michigan.
Pure Michigan is a brand representing business, talent and tourism initiatives across Michigan. These efforts are driven by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, which serves as the state’s marketing arm and lead advocate for business growth, jobs and opportunity with a focus on helping grow Michigan’s economy.
For more on the MEDC and its initiatives, visit: michiganbusiness.org. For Michigan travel news, updates and information, visit michigan.org.
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