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Job Seekers Get Help at Career Connection Meetings: Traverse City, Elk Rapids, Kalkaska

Job seekers are getting some help from Northwest Michigan Works! Career Connection. Free meetings are held to give job seekers a chance to learn about job opportunities and improve their job search skills. 


In Kalkaska, Elk Rapids, and Traverse City!


Every Thursday beginning Sept. 5th

Topics include:
networking, job search, résumés, cover letters

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
at Traverse City Michigan Works!
1209 S. Garfield Avenue, Traverse City





Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013
“Connecting Job Seekers to Employers”

Elk Rapids Career Connection Sept 11 flier
(new topic each time, meets every two weeks)

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
at Elk Rapids Chamber of Commerce Building





KALKASKA - Next Meeting:
Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013 - Kalkaska

(new topic each time, meets every two weeks)

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
at Kalkaska Michigan Works Learning Lab Building
(North Conference Room entrance)
103 Third Street, Kalkaska


Kalkaska, Elk Rapids, and Traverse City area job seekers are getting some help from a program called the Career Connection. The free meetings are held each week in Traverse City and every two weeks at the Kalkaska Michigan Works! Learning Lab building and at the Elk Rapids Chamber of Commerce. The gatherings give job seekers a chance to learn about job opportunities and improve their job search skills.

“We just wanted to offer more opportunities to hone the skills of the jobs seekers and make sure they knew what the employers were looking for,” said Terry Vandercook, a Northwest Michigan Works Business Liaison.

Sherry Barnes recently earned her bachelor’s degree in social work and is looking for a new part time job where she can work while pursuing her master’s degree. She came to the Career Connection for some résumé tips but said it was also a good opportunity to do some networking.

“Connecting and getting to know the people who work here and them getting to know you better that’s just going to help you,” said Barnes.

The information discussed at the Career Connection is very current because it comes from Northwest Michigan Works! staff members who talk to employers on a regular basis.

“Job seekers come in and we discuss local employment factors like particular employers that may be looking for particular skills,” said Vandercook.

“What they show here and teach here—that’s going to get you your job,” said Barnes.

For more information, call Terry Vandercook, Northwest Michigan Works! Business Liaison at 231-620-8175.



Related Info:  Job Seeker Services  |  Free Workshops



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