JMG Students Learn About Career Opportunities in Manistee
Students in the Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) Career Readiness program in Manistee went on a Talent Tour at Armor Sign Studio where they learned about local career opportunities. Amor Sign Studio designs, fabricates, and installs signs throughout the state of Michigan. Their products include awnings, lighted business signs, roadside lighted signs, LED and neon. The facility uses computer-aided design, 3-D printing, vinyl printing, industrial sewing, welding, and fabrication. Armor Sign owner, Tom Amor, Jr., provided information and a video regarding multiple training opportunities at the facility. Image Consultant, Tom Baker, took the young adults on a tour of the workshop. He described his own career at Amor Sign from high school to the present and encouraged all the participants to apply for jobs. JMG Specialist, Cheryl Wolfram, also talked with the students about On-the-Job training, apprenticeships, and the need to complete the GED for opportunities at Armor Sign.
The JMG Career Readiness program in Manistee is being offered in collaboration with the Northwest Michigan Works! Adult Education Learning Lab and provides career preparation, volunteer opportunities, and job training and placement assistance for GED students 17 to 24 years old. Along with the program in Manistee, Northwest Michigan Works! coordinates JMG programs at the Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District, the Traverse Bay Area ISD Career-Tech Center, and the Wexford-Missaukee Career Tech Center.
Jobs for Michigan's Graduates is the leading program of Youth Solutions, Inc., a premiere youth opportunity organization on a mission to equip young people with the skills to overcome barriers and win in education, employment, and as citizens. Youth Solutions is the state-based affiliate of the national Jobs for America's Graduates organization (, one of the largest and most successful school-to-work systems in the United States. The JMG model consists of a comprehensive set of services designed to help young people achieve education and career goals. For more information on Youth Solutions and its Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates programming, visit
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