Information from the Northwest Michigan 911 CONNECT Conference
The 911 CONNECT Conference was held on February 25th in Traverse City. Participants learned of important updates on 911 policy directions, networks and connectivity, NextGen requirements, funding options, examples of what other regions are doing around the country, and much more. Presented through a collaboration of the 911 PSAPs of Northwest Michigan.
Northwest Michigan 911 CONNECT Conference
"Collaborating Neighbors for Networks of Emergency Communications and Technology"
The conference was held on February 25, 2014 at Hagerty Conference Center, 715 E. Front Street, Traverse City MI 49686.
Materials and Presentations from the Conference
Click to view:
Conference agenda - February 25, 2014
Conference Presentations (PDF format)
Abbreviations and Acronyms - Provided by PFN
Links Relating to the Conference - Emergency Call Taking and Dispatch using GIS centric computer-aided dispatch - Improving Michigan's Access to Geographic Information Networks
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The professionals at Networks Northwest help our City Council, Planning Commission, and staff make thoughtful decisions to ensure our community is sustainable and resilient for many years to come.
- Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager