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Antrim County

Final 2023 Antrim County Hazard Mitigation Plan    

Full Size Hazard Maps (Appx. A of the plan)


Meetings and Documentation

Natural Hazard work-related meeting dates, times, and presentation materials will be posted here as they become available.  All meetings are open to the public and are held via Zoom, unless otherwise stated.  Please contact the Antrim County Emerency Operations Director for a Zoom link if you would like to attend! 

Antrim County LEPC/LPT Meetings, 10:00 AM

03/16/22 *Public Input via Zoom to ID Natural Hazard Concern Areas for:

Coastal Communities
Inland Communities

3/16/22 Notes and Hazard ID Map

06/14/2022 Field Trip to Hazard Concern Sites

8/30/22 LEPC/LPT
10/4/22 and 10/5/22 Public Input Sessions on Draft Via Zoom
01/10/23 LEPC/LPT

Update Process
Phase I: Data collection and community survey

An online survey was available from 10/25/2021 to 1/28/2022 to obtain input on past projects, hazard events, and potential mitigation strategies. The survey results are summarized here.

Phase II: Hazard identification and risk assessment

Phase III: Review and update hazard mitigation goals, priority areas, and implementation strategies.

Phase IV: Draft plan public comment period. Post the plan electronically and meet with the public for comments.  Incorporate feedback from the public review period and make final edits to the plan.

Phase V: Plan Adoption. Facilitate the plan adoption process with the County Board of Commissioners and local officials.

Our Township greatly benefits from Network Northwest's experience, depth of knowledge and understanding. Because they work with so many diverse communities in our ten-county region they understand the local land-use issues and are already working on solutions by the time we realize we need some help.
- Susan Odom, Chair, Suttons Bay Township Planning Commission