Transportation Asset Management
Asset Management Funding Flexibility - Cities and Villages that have adopted an MDOT approved asset management plan for their major/local streets, are eligible for greater funding flexibility for their local system. The plan should be a living document, where the effort put into it directly relates to its effectiveness; inclusive in its creation and implementation (i.e. include elected officials, managers, administrators and staff in the process); and most importantly the Asset Management Plan needs to make sense to your agency.
Public Act 338 of 2006
Section (6): “A City or Village shall not transfer more than 50% of its annual major street funding for the local street system unless it has adopted and is following an asset management process for its major and local street systems….
Technical assistance provided by Networks Northwest will include the following to ensure local Asset Management plans are MDOT approved:
1. Condition Assessment
- How was the condition of your system determined
- Include Rating System & Procedures Used
2. Mix-of-Fixes, Estimated Costs and Funding Levels
- How were your improvement needs identified?
- Include Preferred Improvement (Mix-of-Fixes) Types
- Include Estimated Costs
- Describe Anticipated Funding Sources & Levels
3. Future Conditions, Performance Measures and Targets
- How were future system conditions determined?
- Methodology Used (Pavement Management System, RoadSoft, other?)
- Performance Measures (e.g. % of pavement conditions by PASER Rating)
- Targets (e.g. 70% of Primary Roads with a PASER Rating Greater than 5 in year 2020)
4. Trade-off Analysis and Candidate Projects
- How does your agency go about the process of trade-off analysis?
- Investment Decisions between Treatment Options (e.g. routine maintenance vs. capital preventive maintenance vs. structural improvement)
- How do Performance Measures and Targets Influence this Process?
5. Priorities for the Multi-Year Program
- How does your agency prioritize projects and develop its improvement program?
- Factors Considered in Prioritization Process? ( e.g. pavement / bridge condition rating, traffic volume, coordination with utility work, impact on land use, economic development, funding )
- Planning Horizon – how many years does the Multi-Year Plan cover? How often is it Updated?
For more information, contact:
Hanna Yurk, Community Planner at 231.929.5039
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