Michigan Works! Helps Woman End Three Years of Unemployment
Kay Purdey works part time as a aide at the Northwest Michigan Works! Adult Education Learning Lab at the TBA Career Tech Center in Traverse City. She also has a full time job at a local manufacturing plant. Even though Kay has two jobs she knows what it's like to be unemployed. She spent three years looking for work after losing her previous manufacturing job.
"It was very, very difficult," said Purdey. "I eventually found myself having to sign up for state assistance."
When she signed up for state assistance, Purdey became eligible for the Jobs, Education and Training—the JET program—at Northwest Michigan Works! In that program she polished her résumé and interviewing skills and earned her National Career Readiness Certificate. Kay also served as a volunteer at Michigan Works, which helped her show the staff there she was serious about finding a job.
"When I was volunteering, I went above and beyond what was required of me just to show my work ethic and my drive to succeed—and it paid off," said Purdey.
She said both the jobs she got were a direct result of the time she spent at Michigan Works and she encourages other job seekers to use the job seeker services at any of the Northwest Michigan Works! Service Centers.
"They have the resources to help you find whatever it is you're looking for," said Purdey. "If I didn't have that support at the time I needed it, there's no way I would be where I am now."
Related Info: Job Seeker Services
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