Michigan Works! Helps High School Students with Interviews and Résumés
A youth advisor and a career counselor from Northwest Michigan Works! participated in a Business Academy at Traverse City Central High School. They helped the students learn about interviewing and résumés.
What to wear for a job interview isn't a topic that's usually covered in most high school classes. But students at Traverse City Central High School had an opportunity to learn about interviewing and other information related to jobs and business as part of a program called the Business Academy.
"The Business Academy is 175 students who are interested in exploring business for a post-secondary experience," said Ben Lantz, the Business Academy leader. "We are working to provide them experiences, like today, to help prepare them for that post-secondary experience."
Business Academy students spent the afternoon learning about things including technology in business, social media, and workplace etiquette. Northwest Michigan Works! Youth Advisor Dana Venhuizen was at the Academy to talk with the students about interviewing.
"A lot of young adults don't understand that their first impression is what gets them in the door and if they have a bad first impression they've automatically blown that interview," said Venhuizen.
Michigan Works! Career Counselor Jessie Mitchell helped the students learn about some of the dos and don'ts of writing résumés.
"They're basically laying a foundation," said Mitchell. "As long as they're keeping track of their activities and gathering references it's a good foundation even for applying for college."
This was one of two informational events the Business Academy offers each year. Eventually the school would like to develop a schedule of business courses so the students can be exposed to even more business related information.
"They're really focusing on workplace etiquette, interviewing, résumés, social media what to do and not do," said Venhuizen. "It's great because they'll have a very concrete idea of what they can take with them on their first job interview."
Related Info: Northwest Michigan Works! Youth Services
Northwest Michigan Works! is an essential resource for employers and job seekers in the Northern Michigan area.
- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager