Leelanau County's Baabaazuzu Benefits from SBA and SBTDC Services
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Michigan District Office and Baabaazuzu, Inc. hosted an SBA press conference on May 8th to highlight how small businesses are benefitting from the SBA and its partner programs. Baabaazuzu is one of many local companies which were helped with financing and business consulting needed to create jobs and contribute to the local economy.
Since 2007, Baabaazuzu, a Leelanau County manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer of fashionable, unique clothing and accessories made from recycled wool and cotton, has received six SBA guaranteed loans to grow the business. The most recent loans, approved in 2011, helped the company with inventory and marketing. Baabaazuzu also received a State Trade and Export Promotion grant administered through the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and funded by the SBA. The grant enabled the company to participate in a Canadian trade mission, resulting in new export sales.
Michigan Small Business and Technology Development Center business counselors in northwest Michigan provided substantial assistance to owners Sue and Kevin Burns with marketing, sales, financial analysis, and cost controls. The SBTDC is an SBA funded program.
The press conference was part of the “Countdown to 83 – Helping Small Business Succeed…One County at a Time” campaign undertaken by the SBA’s Michigan District Office. SBA District Director Gerald Moore has visited 74 counties since his appointment in 2011. His visit to Leelanau County was the 75th county on his tour of the state.
Of special mention:
· Gerald Moore, SBA Michigan District Director
· Mary Rogers, Regional Director, Small Business & Technology Development Center
· Matt McCauley, Associate Director of Regional Planning, Northwest MI Council of Governments
· Michael Witkop, Senior Vice President, Business Banking Market Manager, Huntington Bank
· Christopher Bosio, International Trade Manager, Export Office, MEDC
· Sue Burns, Owner, Baabaazuzu, Inc.
Related Info: SBTDC Northwest Michigan | Northern Michigan Global Trade Alliance
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- Kathy Stuart, Michigan Rubber Products Human Resource Manager